Services & Techniques

Services Provided by Advanced Chiropractic

Chiropractic care offers an all-natural means of attaining pain relief of neck, shoulder, or back pain due to musculoskeletal injuries. If you’re currently experiencing musculoskeletal pain and discomfort due to an auto crash, sports injury, slip and fall, or workplace accident, contact your Klamath Falls chiropractor for chiropractic treatment. At Advanced Chiropractic, we combine chiropractic techniques with other natural therapies and remedies to help you get the most from your treatment, you can benefit from the following chiropractic services for pain relief.

Services Provided by Advanced Chiropractic

Our Treatment Options

Chiropractic Care

We offer safe and effective chiropractic treatments designed to alleviate pain and help you recover from injury. Our treatments consist of non-invasive chiropractic techniques and other natural therapies.

After evaluating your condition and determining the source of your pain, our Klamath Falls chiropractor will outline a plan for treatment. As many musculoskeletal injuries deal with the spine, spinal manipulation and adjustments are at the core of many of our treatments. Adjustments help correct spinal misalignments and restore balance to your system so you can heal.  

If pain is caused by joint pressure on spinal nerves, adjustments help ease this pressure to give you pain relief. Your Klamath Falls chiropractor has years of experience in using spinal adjustments to provide pain relief and promote natural healing of musculoskeletal injuries. 

Webster Technique - The Webster Technique is used during pregnancy to help turn breech babies around, which helps reduce the risk of complications during labor and delivery. This technique focuses on balancing the pelvis during pregnancy in order to relieve pressure and stress on the uterus and surrounding ligaments. These adjustments make it easier for babies to turn around into the right position before women go into labor. 

Graston Technique-the Graston Technique is a type of manual therapy that involves using special stainless steel instruments to help eliminate scar tissue that contributes to chronic pain. It is used to treat a number of conditions that cause persistent pain, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, myofascial pain syndrome, shin splints, scar tissue, plantar fasciitis, neck pain, back pain and fibromyalgia. The Graston Technique is typically combined with other forms of treatment, such as therapeutic exercises. 

Diversified Technique- Diversified Technique adjustments include procedures that are traditionally part of chiropractic care. These involve using manual adjustments with shallow and quick movements that help ease pressure on the affected joint. These are sometimes done using a block or a table for more effective treatment. With these adjustments, the spine becomes properly aligned to help promote faster healing and relieve stiffness and pain. 

Activator Technique- the Activator Technique is done using a hand-held instrument known as the Activator Adjusting Instrument, which gently pushes on the spine to help restore normal range of motion. When used correctly, this technique provides an effective form of treatment for chronic pain. 

Drop Table- Drop tables are used in chiropractic care to make use of gravity during adjustments. These tables have sections that are raised up and lowered or dropped when adjustments are done. This can lead to even more effective pain relief for those with chronic pain. 

Zenith Hylo Table- Zenith Hylo tables are high-quality chiropractic tables that are comfortable for patients. This helps patients feel more relaxed during chiropractic treatments, which can improve the results of spinal adjustments.

Massage Therapy

When creating your treatment plan, we’ll explore ways massage therapy can be used to aid in your recovery and make that pain a distant memory. Massage helps reduce pain, swelling, muscle spasms, and discomfort throughout the body to help restore your range of motion and mobility. It also relaxes tense muscles and increases blood circulation to injured areas to help expedite your healing. With our massage therapy techniques, you can start feeling better in no time. 

There are different kinds of massage techniques used during massage therapy. These include deep tissue massages, which reach into the deeper layers of tissue and muscles to relieve pain. This type of massage can be used to help heal muscle damage resulting from car accidents, sports injuries or other personal injuries. Sports massages are designed to help athletes and others who participate in physical activities lower their risk of muscle tears and other injuries. These massage techniques can also be used to treat sports injuries that have occurred. Swedish massages involve more gentle movements with longer strokes and circular motions to ease muscle tension, which can be effective for upper or lower back pain. Trigger point massage targets areas that have muscle tension due to overusing the affected muscles. It is also used to target tension in areas that have been damaged from injuries. 

Benefits of Massage Therapy

Undergoing massage therapy offers a number of important benefits for those who experience chronic pain or pain that does not improve after trying conventional treatments. Massage therapy has been shown to be effective at providing relief for several conditions that cause pain, including sports injuries, headaches, soft tissue injuries and myofascial pain syndrome. It has also been used for other medical issues, such as digestive disorders, anxiety, fibromyalgia and insomnia caused by stress. 

This type of therapy offers a non-invasive treatment method for ongoing pain and is considered safe. There are only a few risks associated with this kind of therapy, but they mainly apply to those who have certain medical conditions, such as fractures, osteoporosis, bleeding disorders or deep vein thrombosis. Most people are able to have massage therapy done without experiencing any discomfort or other problems from it. When you have a massage done, the amount of time it will take and the number of times you will need to come in for treatment depend on the type of condition you have and how severe it is. 

Physiotherapy/Rehab/Corrective Exercises

Whether you’re recovering from an injury or you’re trying to ease symptoms from a certain condition, our physical therapy solutions are very effective. We can help diagnose your problem and get you on a treatment plan that’s focused on your personalized needs.

Traditional physical therapy consists of a regimen of strength, mobility, and dexterity training similar in some ways to athletic conditioning. It is similar to sports training insofar as it is about gradually and progressively improving strength, endurance, flexibility, and agility. Unlike ordinary athletic training, however, physical therapy is designed to help the patient to recover from mobility reducing the effects of an illness or injury.

Often times a physical therapist can work alone or with the cooperation of a chiropractic professional. Many chiropractic professionals are also trained in the art and science of physical therapy. Here at Advanced Chiropractic in Klamath Falls, OR- our professional chiropractic practitioners are trained not only in the musculoskeletal treatments that fall under the rubric of chiropractic care- but also in the art and science of physical therapy.

Chiropractic medicine is an ideal companion to physical therapy since both are concerned with the health and functionality of bones, muscles, tendons, connective, and tissues, as well as the circulatory system that fuels and supports them. 

At Advanced Chiropractic, we combine chiropractic techniques with other natural therapies and remedies to help you get the most from your treatment. 

Ultrasound therapy to reduce pain and stiffness of spinal injuries, Electrical Therapy for pain management and control of muscle spasms, Decompression tables for spinal decompression therapy when treating bulging, degenerative, or herniated discs, and Corrective Exercises to strengthen your body to reduce your risk of suffering a relapse or future injuries and sports injuries.


Soft tissue laser therapy utilizes energy to stimulate growth factors, decrease edema in the lymphatic system, accelerate healing and reduce muscle and joint pain. It’s highly effective for conditions like degenerative arthritis, tendinitis, herniated disc, tension myalgia, and sprains.  During soft tissue laser therapy, an infrared laser light interacts with cells at a deep level and metabolic activity increases within the cells. The transports of nutrients are enhanced, and there is improved cellular function and health. All around, soft tissue laser therapy increases circulation and oxygen to the injured area. It creates an optimal environment that reduces pain, muscle spasms, swelling and stiffness. With treatment, the function is restored and pain is relieved. The soft tissue laser is non-invasive, totally safe, and treatment is painless. It has many, many benefits.

Soft tissue laser therapy is effective for both chronic and acute conditions. Each therapy sessions takes from five to 15 minutes depending on the specific condition. Treatment frequency can vary from daily to several times a week. Eventually, treatment is scaled down to once a week or once every other week. This type of laser therapy has been shown in clinical studies to quicken healing and reduce pain in patients.

What to Expect from Laser?

With the use of MR4 LaserStim for soft tissue laser therapy, it offers patients specific treatment providing high energy density and offers a wide choice of applications than most other electrotherapy modalities. There are deep penetration and the frequencies that can be preset to control the depth of penetration. Advanced Chiropractic has had much success with the MR4 LaserStim and patients tend to get pain relief as well as heal faster.

Our treatments are safe, non-invasive, and drug-free, eliminating your risk of nasty side-effects from medication. We treat your pain and the root of your pain to help you heal naturally from your injury, instead of just masking your symptoms with drug until they hopefully go away.  


Chiropractic spinal decompression is a non-invasive way to relieve the pain and other symptoms associated with compressed nerves. It is a type of motorized traction that works by gently stretching the spine to relieve pressure and allow the vertebrae to be properly aligned. Once proper alignment is achieved, the flow of nutrient-rich fluids and oxygen is improved which, in turn, improves the body’s ability to heal itself.

The human spine is comprised of several structures that work together in an intricate and delicate design. At its core is the spinal cord which contains all the nerve endings carrying signals to and from the brain surrounded by the cooperative yet independent vertebrae of the spine. These 33 vertebrae run from the base of the skull to the tailbone and are comprised of three regions: cervical (neck), thoracic (upper back), and thoracic (lower back).

Spinal compression occurs when something puts pressure on the spinal cord causing it to become “pinched” or compressed. This leads to dysfunction in the nerves that causes weakness, loss of flexibility, numbness, cramping, and pain that is often described as burning in nature. These symptoms can present in the back, neck, or the extremities.

Some of the most common causes of spinal compression include:

    • A curvature of the spine such as scoliosis
    • Traumatic injury
    • Arthritic conditions such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis
    • Herniated discs
    • Certain bone diseases

Chiropractic Spinal Decompression

Spinal Decompression with Our Chiropractor in Richmond

The vast majority of spinal compression can be relieved without needing surgical intervention. Spinal decompression therapy at the hands of a licensed chiropractor is one of the best methods to achieve that non-invasive relief. In addition, conditions such as posterior facet syndrome, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, and scoliosis can also be relieved with spinal decompression therapy.

Digital X Ray 

Our clinic provides in-house diagnostics in the form of advanced digital x-rays to provide accurate diagnosis of your condition. 

Nutritional Counseling/Life Couch

No biological system can be healthy and well without proper nutrition. Likewise, no injury or illness can be fully recovered from without proper nutritional guidance. Let us help you advance your health to the next level. 

See Your Klamath Falls Chiropractor Today!

To schedule a consultation with our Klamath Falls chiropractor for pain relief treatment, contact Advanced Chiropractic at (541) 273-5433 today!



Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

Klamath Falls Office


7:30 am - 1:00 pm

2:00 pm - 5:30 pm


7:30 am - 1:00 pm


7:30 am - 1:00 pm

2:00 pm - 5:30 pm


7:30 am - 1:00 pm


7:30 am - 1:00 pm

2:00 pm - 5:30 pm





Klamath Falls Office

7:30 am - 1:00 pm 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm
7:30 am - 1:00 pm
7:30 am - 1:00 pm 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm
7:30 am - 1:00 pm
7:30 am - 1:00 pm 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm